Some people may feel that their weight has not decreased, even though they are already on a diet and exercise. This could be caused by the consumption of certain drugs. Some types of drugs can make you fat. In addition to body fattening drugs that are intended to stimulate appetite and make the body's metabolic system slower to burn calories, there are also drugs that aim to overcome other diseases but have similar effects. These drugs, if taken regularly in the long run, can facilitate weight gain. Various Drugs That Can Increase Weight To prevent excessive weight gain because of the influence of drugs, it is worth looking at several types of drugs that can trigger the following weight gain: Medication to prevent migraines and seizures Medications to treat seizures and headaches due to migraines can affect appetite hormones and hunger. As a result, the body's metabolism slows, hunger increases, and the body stores more fluids. Groups of migraine and seizures that h...